Kingdom Culture Acting Classes

The Craft of Acting

Develop your skills as an actor and or learn the craft of acting by professional and anointed instructors. Some will continue as professional actors, others will joins their ranks on stage, film, TV, and multimedia. Others will praise and magnify God in churches, conferences, as public speakers, or social media influencers.


All good and perfect gifts (graces, talents and abilities) come from above (from heaven) from the Father who gives light. He does not shine His light on one person while casting shade on another (James 1:17). We create and produce Christ-Centered film, television, stage, and multimedia productions.


Deepen your relationship with God as you train side by side with others Believers as iron sharpens iron. Learn acting techniques that broaden your knowledge of the business of entertainment, and perhaps along the way, discover His perfect will and purpose for your life (Hebrews 12:2)


Join our community of actors who have longed for a safe and positive environment in which to learn, grow, and connect as servants of the King of kings. We are fostering a professional entertainment atmosphere where it’s safe to break free from your past, live in the present and maintain hope in Christ for a positive future outcome. 

Your Instructor

Writer, Director, Producer & Actor Mark David Kennerly

Mark David attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (NYC), worked as a professional actor and aspiring writer in NYC and Hollywood. Became a Christian in 1994, in 2004 he has his bride Kimberly (now married 29 years) founded & pastored of Impact Christian Church (formerly Center) from 2004 to 2021, and continue to serve as overseers. They have seen countless individuals and families conform to the image of Jesus Christ. Kimberly is a Talent Agent with BH Talent & Literary Agency of Encino, California. Mark David took a 23-year hiatus from the entertainment industry and has returned to focus on Christ-Centered and Family-Friendly film, television, and multimedia. This dynamic duo relocated to the Atlanta Georgia area to continue in ministry and entertainment through their companies, 1922 Productions and Kingdom-Culture Studios.

In 2014 the Spirit of God challenged, Mark David Kennerly, a full time and senior pastor at Impact Christian Church in Virginia, to create a course to help followers of Jesus Christ build a foundation in the Word of God that would prepare them to serve Jesus anywhere in the world. Mark David was obedient and Perfecting the Saints for the Work of Ministry, aka Perfecting School was launched in 2015. Perfecting School has since graduated six classes, and ordained and affirmed dozens of servants of the Lord. 

Phase One. The Perfecting School is currently a ten-month Bible School that takes students through eleven modules covering subjects such as Callings, Appointments & Leaders, Life of the Servants of the Lord, School of Leadership, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, School of the Holy Ghost, School of Prophecy, School of Deliverance, School of Counseling, Altar Workers School, Studying the Word & Preparing Sermons.

Phase Two. We are adding an additional ten-months of Biblical studies focused on The Gospel (good news) of The Kingdom of God.

Phase Three. We will add an additional twenty-four months of Creative Arts instruction, training, and development to the Perfecting School. This will enable students to become grounded in the Word of God and the Kingdom of God, and become proficient in their field of creative arts.

Phase Four. Kingdom-Culture School of the Arts. Combining Biblical/Kingdom instruction and Creative Arts training and development will prepare God’s people to glorify Him with the good and perfect gifts He has given them while blessing, entertaining, and enlightening whomever the Lord puts in their path.

Kingdom-Culture Acting Classes are the first of eight disciplines of the creative arts to be launched in what will ultimately be a four year institute.

Mark David’s Resume

Producer: …if My People… (feature film) – Executive Producer, Walls & Bridges (feature film) – Associate Producer, Don’t Let Your Meat Loaf 1992 (feature film) – Co Producer, Camp Allasso (staged play), Conquering Fear (short film) – Executive Producer. 

Writer: Completed Scripts; The Cleansing, The Sent Ones, …if My People…, The Journey, Supreme Court, (Co-Story & Co-Writer), Jimmy Mack (Co-Writer), Ecclesia (TV Pilot), Cure for the Common Cold (Treatment), The Invisible War (Treatment), ACTION (Treatment). Stage: Acts of the Apostles (performed in Los Angeles), Camp Allasso *performed in Los Angeles). 

Director: …if My People… (feature), Conquering Fear (short), Acts of the Apostles (stage) & Camp Allasso (stage). 

Actor: Drop Squad – Chris (Universal), Tales From the Crypt – Other Collector (Universal), A Matter of Principle – Jeb (American Playhouse), Martin,  Officer Kimbro (Universal), Trent Ubard, Walls & Bridges (Feature), Jury Duty (TV Pilot), But It Did Happened (Short) Rebecca’s Bed (short), Billy Turner’s Secret (short), Occupational Hazard (short).  

About Kingdom-Culture Acting Classes

Professional Acting Class from a Kingdom/Christian Perspective
Kingdom-Culture Studios is proud to present a unique and transformative professional acting class that combines the art of acting with a Kingdom/Christian perspective. Our class is designed for creatives seeking to learn the craft of acting, and experienced actors who want to develop their craft while aligning their gifts and talents with their faith.

Our classes are very affordable at only $200 per month. Genesis is an eight week course and students that continue on enter into the Revelation course. The Revelation course is also $200 per month and is an ongoing month to month intensive scene and character development form of study. Genesis is a prerequisite for Revelation.  

Why Choose Our Acting Class?
At Kingdom-Culture Studios, we believe that acting is not just a skill, but also a powerful tool for impacting the world. Our class offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on both the technical aspects of acting and the spiritual growth of the actor. Students can expect to grow and develop in their spirit, body, and soul.

Our experienced instructors are not only accomplished actors themselves but also deeply rooted in their Christian faith. They bring their expertise and passion for acting to create a safe and supportive environment where students can mature their gifts and discover their unique voice.

What to Expect from Our Acting Class
During our professional acting class, you will learn a variety of techniques and skills essential for a successful acting career. Our curriculum includes:

Character analysis and development
Script analysis
Scene studies
Emotional range and expression
Vocal and physical techniques
Stage and camera presence
Confidence and comfortability
navigating the business of entertainment
Face to face or Zoom meetups with Talent Agents, Filmmakers, and Working Actors
And much more…
Additionally, our class incorporates Kingdom of God and Christian principles into the acting process, helping you explore how your faith can influence and enhance your performances. We believe that acting can be a powerful means of spreading positive messages and impacting others for time and eternity.

Join us at Kingdom-Culture Studios and embark on a journey of professional growth and spiritual enrichment. Discover how your good and perfect gifts can be impact the world and promote the Kingdom of God.

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